Before you start trading on the Binance exchange, you should definitely receive a registration bonus. The Binance cryptocurrency exchange is today the leading cryptocurrency exchange thanks to a large number of clients and huge cash turnover per day. This is what attracts new traders who are ready to trade cryptocurrency on the futures and spot markets. And to make trading profitable, many traders and investors are looking for ways to get some promotional codes and bonuses for trading, and the only option for saving money when trading cryptocurrencies at the moment is to get a promotional code for a discount on the Binace commission.

Promo code for maximum Binance discount: NN0EVPP2 .

    Next, we’ll talk about what discounts on the Binance commission you can get when trading cryptocurrencies and how to do it.


    How to get a promo code for Binance commission discount

    To get a discount on the Binance commission when trading as a cryptocurrency on the exchange, you need to use the referral ID promo code - NN0EVPP2 or simply register using our referral link. This promotional code will give you a maximum discount of up to 40% on all commissions when trading on the exchange, since if you go through regular registration, you will not be able to get even a 20% discount on commissions when making transactions. However, for the discount to be maximum and amount to 40%, you will need to have at least 500BNB in ​​your account and be a member of the referral program; in other cases, the discount on the commission can be 5%, 10%, 15% and a maximum of 20%. You can read more on the official Binance website


    To start trading using a promotional code with a discount on the Binance commission, follow our referral link above to the official website of the exchange, and then click on the “Registration” button:

    binance home page

    Next, a registration window will open where you can use your email or mobile phone number:

    register on binance

    If you register not using a referral link, but using a referral ID ( xxxxxxxx ), then in order to receive a discount on the commission, you will need to enter it in a special field, which is located below the email and password fields:

    referral id

    Promo code for maximum Binance discount: NN0EVPP2 .

      If you do not do this, you will not receive a discount on Binance fees.

      It is also worth noting that it is very important to use only a current email address, since codes for withdrawal of funds will be sent to it if email is used as one of the account protection options.

      Binance: Commission Discount

      It is worth noting that you receive a Binance commission discount bonus when trading any exchange instruments:

      1. Spot trading. In this case, coins can only be purchased, and you receive real coins in your wallet, which you can withdraw or sell when they rise in price. It's worth noting that in spot trading you cannot sell coins unless you have them in your wallet, unlike futures trading;

      2. Margin trading. In this case, the trading process is exactly the same as in the previous version, but you can use leverage of up to 1:125;
      3. Futures trading. When trading futures, you can both buy and sell any coins without even having them in stock, since, in essence, you are trading their digital version and do not have real coins at your disposal.

      Therefore, when purchasing any cryptocurrencies ( Bitcoin , Ethereum , Litecoin , Ripple , EOS ), even if you buy them for rubles or dollars , you can save on the commissions that the exchange takes for any completed transactions.

      Of course, those traders, or more correctly, investors who make very few transactions (for example, one trade per week), do not need to use the Binance commission discount, since they will not notice the difference (unless they use huge volumes). But for active traders, and especially scalpers, such discounts on Binance commissions are simply necessary, since the number of transactions per day can be more than 20, and commissions are charged for both purchases and sales.

      To understand how much you can save on cryptocurrency trading when using the Binance commission discount, here is a simple example of calculations with the most standard commission when trading futures:

      Binance commissions for futures

      As you can see, if you do not have BNB coins and the 30-day turnover is less than 250 BTC, then the transaction fee will be 0.02%/0.04%.

      Note: Before moving on to the calculations, it is worth understanding that the “ Maker” commission is charged if you make a trade using a limit order, and the “ Taker” commission if you make a commission using a market order.

      As a result, if you decide to buy 0.25 BTC at a price of $30,000, then the trading position size (RTS) will be:

      RTP = $30,000 (purchase price) * 0.25 (number of coins) = $7,500

      Accordingly, the commission (K) for the purchase will be:

      K ( maker) = 0.02% * $7,500 = $1.5

      K ( taker) = 0.04% * $7,500 = $3

      It is worth considering that not everyone has such amounts in their account to trade futures without leverage, and more often traders will use leverage of approximately 1 to 10, which means they will have an amount of $750 in their account, if we take the transaction from our example. And now it’s worth imagining that if 10 transactions are made using market orders, then in total this will amount to $30 commission on Binance. When using the Binance commission discount, this amount will decrease to $24. You can reduce commissions even further by trading limit orders, and in this case the commission will be $12.

      How else can you reduce fees on Binance?

      For active traders, there are several other ways to reduce fees on the Binance exchange:

      1. Payment of commissions using BNB cryptocurrency (Binance coin);
      2. Increasing your trade turnover;
      3. Become a VIP client.

      To reduce Binance fees using BNB tokens, you need to go to your personal account and on the “Dashboard” tab, find the panel with Binance fees in the lower right corner, and then activate the use of BNB:

      reduction of commissions on binance

      Also, when actively trading large volumes, you can receive reduced commissions, and it is worth considering that these indicators in BTC are taken into account when trading with leverage:

      Binance commissions for spot

      You can find out the latest information on commissions both for spot and for any other types of cryptocurrency trading on the Binance exchange in the “Commissions” section.

      Also, if you have a very large capital and your trading turnover is more than 50 BTC without leverage, then you can get individual conditions for trading (very low commissions).


      The Binance exchange is currently the largest and fastest growing exchange, although it is far from the only one.

      The advantages of this exchange are high-quality service and a large number of traders who create liquidity in the market, and therefore comfortable trading. Therefore, if you are going to actively trade cryptocurrencies, you should definitely use the Binance commission discount bonus promo code NN0EVPP2 to save additional funds, which in the future can be used in trading for even greater profits.



      See also:

      Live cryptocurrency chart

      Cryptocurrency rating

      Cryptocurrency dynamics

      Bitcoin rate

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      Не знала что можно уменьшить комиссии, хотя я просто покупаю монеты иногда там и держу их, но даже если и так можно чуть меньше платить, может переоткрою счет))
      12 January 2021
      Binance - лучшая биржа, на ней есть все и даже больше, она удобная и менять ее смысла нет никакого, ее даже не взламывали ни разу по нормальному в отличии от того же livecoin. получаю скидку на комиссию бинанс уже давно, еще с 2019 года они ввели эту штуку, или обновили, но все работает и комиссия меньше
      12 January 2021
      Василий Омельченко
      Василий Омельченко
      спасибо за ссылку, обязательно открою счет, потому как хочу начать торговать именно фьючами, это удобно, а меньшие комиссии особенно на начальном этапе не помешают
      12 January 2021
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