
Bonus programs of binary options brokers are constantly being improved. However, few can boast the level of innovation and tangible rewards for customers as Pocket Option. The broker promotes a loyalty program that not only stimulates the activity of its users, but also opens up new opportunities for them to improve trading results.

At first glance, it may seem that the Pocket Option rewards and achievements program is no different from similar offers from competitors. However, having taken a closer look, you immediately understand the uniqueness and value of this system. Its central link is the so-called “crystals” - an internal currency that can be purchased by conducting transactions on the broker’s platform.


The more trades you make, the more crystals you accumulate. And, most interestingly, these gems can be used not only to activate the necessary options in trading, but also to purchase valuable items on the Pocket Option platform itself.

In this review, we'll look at how to upgrade your account by receiving rewards, and tell you how to exchange Pocket Option bonuses for a unique internal currency.


profile pocket option

Pocket Option Awards

Pocket Broker rewards every trader for their trading activity. This allows you to unlock certain achievements available in the correspondent menu in the left panel of the trading terminal.

reward button and pocket option chart

After clicking the “Achievements” button (highlighted with a yellow rectangle on the screenshot), a panel appears from which you can go to the Achievements, History, Rating and Community help pages. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

pocket option rewards


This page shows all the rewards available on the platform, as well as those that the user has unlocked through trading (Unlocked Achievements).

reward for copying trades

The screenshot above shows that the user received a reward in the form of 2 red crystals and 20 experience points for copying 5 transactions. Thus, Pocket Broker not only provides each client with a comprehensive set of tools to improve their trading experience, but also makes the process of making money even more interesting, adding a competitive element to the serious world of the financial industry.

achievements page

The “Achievements” page itself consists of two panels: statistics of experience gained (on the left) and user awards (on the right).

Gained Experience

The trader’s experience statistics indicate his personal discount on all products available in the platform’s Market.

discount for purchasing goods in the market

In addition, in this section you can see new achievements (if all the conditions for obtaining them have been met), experience points, the number of crystals mined and chat statistics with message ratings. The higher your profile level, the greater the discount. Actively upgrade your Pocket Option account to get a larger percentage of discounts on the purchase of any product in the Market.

new achievements in the pocket option account

User Awards

The “My Awards” section is divided into three categories: Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Each of them, in turn, contains “Common”, “Rare” and “Legendary” achievements.

my rewards section in the pocket option account

They differ in the level of difficulty of tasks and the number of experience points that can be obtained for completing them.

Rewards can be received for various actions. For example, for active trading for an hour you can get the “Faster than a rabbit 10” badge, 3 red crystals and 30 experience points. Likewise, the trading activity of clients with the number of transactions exceeding 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 per hour is rewarded. The more transactions they make, the more red crystals and experience they receive.

reward for active trading in pocket option

For making your first deposit, the broker will award you with 1 red crystal and 10 experience points.

reward for making your first deposit in pocket option

Second deposit – 2 red crystals and 20 experience points. Third – 3 red stones + 30 experience points. Fourth – 4 red stones + 40 experience points.

In addition to deposit rewards, Pocket Option rewards its traders for the number of profitable transactions. If you have made more than 100 profitable trades, you can count on 1 red crystal and 10 experience points. Similar rewards are paid for 200 and 300 successful trades.

reward for the number of profitable trades in pocket option

If you are a beginner and cannot yet boast of a stable profit, the company will be ready to support you with the “No pain - no gain” award. Thanks to it, you can cancel a losing trade. To receive this Pocket Option bonus you must make over 100 trades.

reward for the total number of transactions in a pocket option

Similar rewards await traders who have conducted more than 200 and 300 transactions. In this case, the prize will be 1 red stone + 10 points and 2 red crystals + 20 experience points, respectively.

A similar reward awaits those who make more than 100 transactions per day. The “King of the Day 100” badge is worth 1 red crystal and 10 competency points.

reward for more than 100 trades per day in pocket option

In addition to the rewards described above, a large number of other incentives are available in this section, periodically added by the broker. We will not list them all in this review. Anyone who wants to get to know them better can do so in the “Achievements” section of the Pocket Option platform.

Here we will pay attention to the real value that precious stones represent. In the Market of the trading terminal, they can be exchanged for promotional codes, balance bonuses, risk-free transactions, cashback, boosters, prolongators, licenses for mining crystals and chests full of trading advantages. All this turns into money one way or another. For example, 8 green crystals can be exchanged for plus $5 to your account balance.

buying crystals on the pocket option market


Here you will find your own trading history with the total number and type of crystals you have earned for each achievement. In the future, these gems can be exchanged for bonuses in the Trading Terminal Store.

history of achievements in pocket option

Pocket Option Rating

This page publishes the overall rating of platform users with a record number of awards and achievements. Use the filter by period to determine the top 10 traders for today, week or month. Here you can also see your own rating and evaluate the level of pumping of your own account.

user rating in pocket option

Community Help

Each Pocket Option client can become an active member of its community by offering their services as a Chat Moderator. Moderator is an active participant who monitors chats and maintains communication according to established rules. He receives a special badge, recognition and awards. A chat rating of at least 300 is required to apply for this position.

requirements for a community moderator in pocket option

Types of Crystals

Note! Crystals can be sold directly on the Pocket Option platform. Read more about the possibilities and nuances of using the broker’s internal trading platform in the article “ How to use the Pocket Option broker’s market .”


All crystal rewards are divided by difficulty level and the number of experience points acquired. The broker currently offers the following types of such rewards:

Red Gem of Pro 

This is the easiest Pocket Option crystal to mine. It costs only $2 and is available immediately after registering a real account. This is a reward of the first difficulty level.

description of the red crystal in pocket option

Blue Gem of Master

The blue “Master” crystal has an average mining difficulty and a price of $8. It is used to upgrade your account. It can be bought and sold in the internal marketplace of the platform.

description of the blue crystal in pocket option

Green Gem of Guru

The green "Guru" crystal is the most valuable. It costs $30 and has the highest difficulty. To exchange for trade advantages, you will need much less green stones than crystals of other colors.

description of the green crystal in pocket option

Secret Gem of Heroes

The Secret Gem of Heroes cannot be purchased and nothing is known about its characteristics. This is the ultimate reward for loyal customers, not available for purchase and of infinite value.

description of the secret crystal in pocket option

Tips for Boosting Your Pocket Option Аccount

To upgrade your Pocket Option account and increase your overall rating, you must regularly perform certain actions and actively participate in the community of traders of this broker. There are five activities for which you can receive both gems and experience points. Read more about each of them later in the review.

activity in the pocket option community

Market Pocket Option

By actively using this section, you can regularly receive all kinds of trading benefits and gifts.

gifts for participating in activities in the pocket option community

Use your accumulated crystals or cash to get:

  1. Deposit bonuses from 20% to 60%
  2. Money to your account balance
  3. Rights to cancel a losing trade from $10 to $1000
  4. Cashback from 2% to 10% of your losses
  5. Boosters for 24 hours, increasing experience points from 1 to 10 for each transaction
  6. Booster action prolongers from 1 to 30 days
  7. Purchasing licenses for mining crystals by copying successful traders
  8. Receiving chests of trade advantages with items from 1 to 7

using crystals to get bonuses in pocket option


All items purchased on the Market will appear in the "Purchases" section and will take effect after activation.

purchase section in the pocket option terminal

Crystal Lottery Pocket Option

Another good way to boost your Pocket Option account is to regularly participate in the crystal lottery. However, please note that you can only participate in this draw on weekends. Trade from 00:00:00 Saturday to 23:59:59 Sunday. The higher your account level and the size of your transactions, the greater your chances of receiving valuable crystals. The resulting gems can be used in the market to gain trading advantages.

lottery with prizes in the form of crystals in pocket option

The terms of participation:

  • The lottery is free for all participants.
  • Automatic participation when the Real account balance exceeds $100.
  • The lottery is only available for trading on a Real account from 00:00:00 Saturday to 23:59:59 Sunday.
  • The larger the size of your trades, the more valuable crystals you can win.
  • After winning, the received crystals can be exchanged in the market.
  • The company reserves the right to change the conditions of the lottery or terminate it completely without prior notice.

Mining Crystals

To get even more crystals, you can mine. To do this, purchase one of the licenses in the internal marketplace of the platform. Please note - they differ in terms and types of gemstones. For example, a one-day license for mining blue crystals will cost $20. After its activation, users connect to the system for copying binary options trades and receive signals from selected traders. For each copied transaction, fragments are awarded, which are then combined into crystals.

possibility of mining crystals in pocket option

As you may have guessed, crystal mining is the process of obtaining them by copying the transactions of other traders. An activated license is required to participate in this program. For each copied transaction, 1 fragment is awarded, the color of which depends on the type of license.

To use a mining license you must:

  • Purchase a license in the Market or activate an existing one in the “Purchases” section.
  • Select traders to copy from the social trading rating or from the "Social trading" menu in the trading platform interface.
  • Customize your copy settings and enjoy extra income and crystals that can be exchanged for trading benefits.

license for crystal mining in pocket option

In addition, this section contains a rating of the most active gemstone collectors. Purchase mining licenses and become leaders in the total number of trading operations, profitable transactions and profitability over the last 24 hours and in the current month.

Social Trading Awards

Another great option to boost your account is to earn Pocket Option rewards for social trading when other traders copy your trades. Every time any user of the Pocket Option binary options broker platform copies your trade for more than $5, you will receive a reward in the form of gem shards automatically added to your reward balance. The color of the crystal depends on the size of the copied transaction.

rewards for the ability to copy your trades

Information about copied transactions is updated daily.


Upgrading your Pocket Option account opens up new opportunities for traders in binary options trading, offering a wide range of rewards and opportunities to improve financial results. Thanks to the unique crystal system, users can not only receive valuable prizes for their activity on the platform, but also significantly increase their chances of success in trading. Rewards encourage traders to continually improve and help them develop a more productive trading strategy.

Thanks to Pocket Option promo codes, as well as following account leveling tips, everyone can maximize their trading advantages by using different types of crystals to receive bonuses, participating in lotteries and mining. Both beginners and experienced traders will find in this system motivation for constant self-improvement and new ways to increase their own capital. What do you think? Describe in the comments your experience of participating in lotteries and mining crystals, and also share your approach to upgrading your account. Your feedback is very important to us.


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Это уже не просто брокер, это сообщество какое-то. Почти соцсеть...
Артур , Ну до соцсети далеко, но система кристаллов интересная!
tirant , Согласен. Возможно я переборщил. Качать нужно акк, и будут самоцветные каменья.))) Разные.
09 May 2024
Трейдер БО
Трейдер БО
Интересно, а что это за реклама в сети и крутится какой-то новый домен покета? Может какие-то мошенники под покет замаскировались?) Просто интересно кто знает ???????
Тимофей , Не самая удачная мысль лезть на сторонние, якобы похожие сайты. Фишинг никто не отменял.
08 May 2024
Это уже не просто брокер, это сообщество какое-то. Почти соцсеть...
Артур , Ну до соцсети далеко, но система кристаллов интересная!
08 May 2024
Интересно, а что это за реклама в сети и крутится какой-то новый домен покета? Может какие-то мошенники под покет замаскировались?) Просто интересно кто знает ???????
08 May 2024
Интересно: а что все таки даёт кристалл героя? Будет очень интересно узнать. Но вот как его заполучить?
Богдан , ДАДА! Это очень заинтриговало) тем более столько информации по всем сетям... Что это за прикол?)) или бонус ??? Кто знает сообшите
Олег Т. , ага))))) я искал где можно этот кристалл найти и как заработать)))) нихрена не нашел))) может это развод???? А???
08 May 2024
Олег Т.
Олег Т.
Интересно: а что все таки даёт кристалл героя? Будет очень интересно узнать. Но вот как его заполучить?
Богдан , ДАДА! Это очень заинтриговало) тем более столько информации по всем сетям... Что это за прикол?)) или бонус ??? Кто знает сообшите
08 May 2024
Интересно: а что все таки даёт кристалл героя? Будет очень интересно узнать. Но вот как его заполучить?
07 May 2024
Это уже не просто брокер, это сообщество какое-то. Почти соцсеть...
07 May 2024
Option Bull
Option Bull
Странно что никто не рассказывает, что любые бонусы от Покета нужно отрабатывать. Сперва он заманивает наивных трейдеров "халявой", а потом просто ставит перед фактом, что и не удивительно, иначе как брокер заработает!? Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке.
Руслан, это понятно, но что плохого в том, чтобы будучи новичком, тем более без денег, получить бесплдатные бонусы, которые позволят пусть даже чуть-чуть, но поднять депозит ну или хотя бы понять, что такое реальная торговля? По-моему это еще очень даже клиенто-ориентированная политика, не каждый брокер может таким похвастаться. И почему вас так коробит от этого? Бонус ведь позволяет экономить собственные деньги.
07 May 2024
Странно что никто не рассказывает, что любые бонусы от Покета нужно отрабатывать. Сперва он заманивает наивных трейдеров "халявой", а потом просто ставит перед фактом, что и не удивительно, иначе как брокер заработает!? Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке.
07 May 2024
Напоминает купоны на скидку - вроде мелочь в разрезе семейного бюжета, но то там -10%, то тут минус 20 - уже экономия :)
Linred, Если сливаешь, то никакой бонус не поможет. Но так-то да, если околонулевой результат в целом, то с миру по кристаллу, глядишь - уже в профите.
07 May 2024
Напоминает купоны на скидку - вроде мелочь в разрезе семейного бюжета, но то там -10%, то тут минус 20 - уже экономия :)
07 May 2024
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